Solar PPA Leasing
A PPA solar lease is available in many states such as Maryland, Pennsylvania, DC and now in Delaware. We also now have a couple of utilities in Virginia that allow a PPA solar lease available for homeowners. A PPA lease is similar to paying your utility, just less expensive by around 25%-35% a month. A PPA allows you to simply pay for kwhs produced by the solar system at a less expensive rate than your local utility is charging. This is a non-ownership program, so you don’t get the incentives directly, the financier of the program does, and they pass those incentives into the savings on your kwh rate. We can see if this is a good fit for you and your home. This is also great for those that may not pay any federal taxes and can’t take advantage of the 30% Solar Federal ITC. Another advantage of a PPA is that one can purchase the system at fair market value after year 5! So, it can be a good way to get into solar, save money immediately and then one day in the future buy it outright and own it. And if you were to sell your home, the future owner could then buy out the PPA and own it.
Savings, flexibility, peace of mind.
No initial out of pocket costs
With a solar PPA lease, there is not an initial out of pocket cost. You simply pay for the solar kwh production each month.
A lower bill immediately
With a solar lease, you typically pay around 30% less than your current utility company.
No maintenance
Since you are leasing the system, you have no maintenance or repair responsibility for the full 25 years. Even the insurance is covered on the system in case mother nature throws something at it.